Expert handling of vehicles
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 (latest collection/delivery: 15:45)
Hyster Reach Stacker
After careful consideration, John and Amanda Marshall decided to upgrade their previous Container Reach Stacker with a new Hyster machine supplied and supported by Briggs Equipment UK. The main criterion was a strong aftersales backup, vital to J&A Marshall's commitment to it's customers to meet container vessel deadlines.
After leaving the factory in Nijmegen, Netherlands on a barge, it completes the last leg of it's journey overland in the UK with Somerscales Heavy Haulage.
Arriving bang on schedule at 09:00. The new machine is in one piece and only requires a quick pre-delivery inspection by the Briggs engineers before it can go to work.
After a short while unloading, it drives through our gate.
The Briggs team, proud of a good product, pose for a photograph and a new chapter begins at J&A Marshall Ltd.
Latest: Will now be referred to as 'Horace'(the Hyster)